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Them That Believe

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    © 21 Colin Melbourne

    Why So Few Effective Ministries?

    Q: Why don’t we see more of the powerfully anointed ministries such as; Maria Woodworth-Etter, Smith Wigglesworth, E. W. Kenyon, Oral Roberts, Kathryn Kuhlman, T.L. Osborn, and Kenneth Hagin?

    A: That’s an interesting thought to ponder, because each of those preachers acknowledged they were not doing the wonderful miracles, but it was the LORD Himself confirming His word.

    So why have there been so few, and why doesn’t He raise up more like them today?

    Well there are believers He’s using to do the greater works He promised, often hidden in far flung ghettos and Asian prisons.

    Miracles in Hong Kong

    As an example; familiarize yourself with the ministry of Jackie Pullinger, whom the LORD has been using for decades in the slums, brothels, and opium dens of Hong Kong, with many stunning miracles, and signs following.

    He’s got similar people in Africa, Central and South America too.

    The Dead Can’t Raise The Dead

    The answer to your question is that most fellowships are lukewarm and half-dead, merely mentally assenting to faith in Christ, so very few Christians have personal revelation of the present redemption we have through the Name of Christ.

    Falling Away From Faith

    Many are waiting for the redemption that God has explicity told us we already have in this life through the Faith of Christ.

    When the LORD opens a person’s spiritual eyes, they become aware of the pitiful level of faith in most fellowships today.

    Most Christians have no idea what riches we have through His Name.
    Image of Book On The Name of Jesus

    Comprehend Redemption

    It’s obvious to new believers, that the majority of preachers are presenting a Jesus far short of the LORD Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible who saved them.

    That’s why there are no miracles, or signs following preaching in denominational churches, who remain clueless about the healing half of the Gospel: Some treat healing as an optional-extra, “if you have enough faith for it”!

    That’s rank unbelief, industrial-strength-ignorance in full bloom.

    Forgotten Basics

    Therefore, because the body of Christ is in this moribund state, The LORD occasionally raises up powerfully anointed ministers, like Wigglesworth, Maria Woodworth-Etter etc. to remind the church what is actually basic to the Gospel we have been commissioned to preach to every creature.

    It’s His way of saying, “Wake up church, these are the signs and wonders you can all have following, in my Name, if you’ll only believe and proclaim the Truth.”

    “Every believer can now do this stuff, and when you do, I won’t need to raise up special-anointed ones to remind you, because you’ll all be enjoying using my Name.”

    That which purports to be the Church, is actually packed with doubters and make-believers, instead of real believers.

    So let’s get busy, and prove to this condemned world that Christ is alive in us, by doing exactly what He commanded us to do, until He appears and snatches us away from this doomed world.

    © 21 Colin Melbourne


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