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Divorced Pastor’s Wife

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    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    My ways are not your ways

    Q: My marriage of 23 years came to a halt. My husband suddenly wanted a divorce. I didn’t have peace with this so I wouldn’t sign. So after about a year he served me with divorce papers that said I was not faithful to him.

    At first it made me mad, but then I laughed to think that’s all he could come up with. I told the Judge that I would not sign because I was not guilty. If taking care of my family, going to college, and working a full-time job was grounds for a divorce, then I would sign. But no, I would only sign if my husband changed the divorce papers, and admit to what was really going on.

    After I held out for many months, with all kinds of trouble from him, hassling me, and our kids. Finally, I got him, he had to sign papers stating he committed adultery, Oh, by the way he is a minister and pastor of 25 years. All this happened in 2005.

    My question is; how do I go on with life, because we know we are supposed to be married. I feel like he died, that God took him home, how do I find peace and move on with my life. Kim

    A bruised reed He will not break

    A: Here we have a wonderful opportunity to see the Glory of God, if you will believe His word. Mtt. 19:6 KJV:

    Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

    You have had no peace ever since a judge granted divorce.

    Your husband is in an even worse place, claiming to be a Christian whilst walking with Satan, the Father of lies.

    You have also told us that both your husband, and you, know that you are supposed to be married.

    In Mal. 2:16 God declares that He hates divorce, “putting away” a wife, and He has proved it by steadfastly holding out against divorcing His wayward creatures, and His unfaithful Bride.

    He has ample grounds for divorcing from us, but God hates divorce.

    He is a Redeemer: Not a divorcer

    Join hands with Almightiness, and glimpse His vision of redemption.

    Then don’t let go.

    You will see one flesh restored and following Christ.

    Divorce, Marriage Remarriage: This is the best book dealing with the controversial topic of divorce and remarriage, but the best plan is to avoid divorce in the first place. God says He hates it. So do Christians.

    A Three-Stranded Cord

    You write that you wish to go on with your life.

    Remember, it is not your own, it is His life.

    His plan has been put asunder by men following Satan, who is wrecking your lives in Christ. But greater is Christ in you than all the seducing demons on Earth.

    Therefore, you and God can change that.

    Believe in The Redeemer who never fails.

    Allow His life to fill you, rule you, to love through you, and He will deal with that pretend-Christian, making him into the man of God he was created to be.

    Your part is simply to believe, trust, and obey. To walk in His Love, and God will do the rest.

    Nothing is impossible with God.

    How many wayward husbands have been brought to their knees before Christ by a steadfast and faithful wife?

    Stand firm on the word of God, rebuke the Evil One, and claim the redemption of your marriage.

    Learn to “believe and say” as Jesus taught us in Mark 11, and His chariot will sweep you both to victory, and the marriage supper of the Lamb.

    Here’s a practical word, and an example to inspire you:

    It sounds like you’ve both been in a dead denominational church. Plenty of religion and dubious doctrine, but no life. So you need to repent of religion and get the Real Thing, with Holy Spirit Power enabling you to walk in faith.

    Wife’s Love Lifted Fallen Wigglesworth

    England’s greatest evangelist, Smith Wigglesworth, ran a Christian mission in the North of England with his wife, “Polly”.

    In his early years, Smith neglected his walk with God, and backslid. He stopped attending his mission fellowship, and devoted his energy to their plumbing business. He was furious when Polly continued to follow Jesus, especially when she became ever more zealous for the Lord.

    Smith once hid her shoes so she couldn’t walk to church, but Polly went nevertheless, wearing wellingtons!

    Wigglesworth responded by locking her out of their house on her return. So she quietly spent the night on the doorstep waiting for him to open the back door.

    Next morning, Polly was asleep on the doorstep, and flopped inside when Smith unlocked the door.

    He was ready for a blazing row.

    She bounced up without complaining, and made him a beautiful breakfast.

    His faithful wife loved him back to the Lord, and the plumber was soon convicted of his sin, and repented wholeheartedly.

    He later matured in Christ to become the “Apostle of Faith”, spreading Pentecostal Fire throughout the world in a blaze of dynamic miracles.

    In his final years he confided, “Everything I am in Christ I owe to Polly“.

    You can see what he meant.

    Now then Kim, your husband is still your husband.

    He’s backslidden, and deep in sin.

    Be the wife Jesus created you to be. Take God’s hand and let Him lead you and your husband to victory, redemption, and Glory.

    Go into your prayer closet and ask Jesus if what you’ve read here is what He wants for you. When He confirms it, ask Him to take you step by step into His Promise, and He will.

    Books about Smith Wigglesworth: Smith Wigglesworth’s desire was for ever increasing faith, something he achieved in his unique miracle ministry right to the end. Reading his messages, you will share his hunger and receive great blessing when you put them into practice. And remember, without his wife “Polly”, he would have remained a backslidden plumber.

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    Image of biography of Smith Wigglesworth

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