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Catholics & Lutherans

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    © 08 Colin Melbourne

    Young Catholic wants to become a Christian

    Q: I’m a fifteen year-old Catholic. Are Catholics considered Christians? Are they saved? Since I come from a very devout Catholic family, I cannot tell them if I convert, therefore, I would not be able to get a Protestant Bible. Is it okay if I use the Catholic Bible, known as the New American Bible, and just ignore the “hidden books”?

    Also, I would not be able to attend Christian worship services; would God understand if I went to Catholic Mass to worship Him there, and at home? Andrew

    A: Your four questions are all answered, “No!” Roman Catholics are not Christian, they are unsaved, religious sinners. Follow the links on that page and compare what God says in the Holy Bible, with what Catholics have written in their Official Catechism.

    Get a Holy Bible, preferably a KJV, start reading at John’s Gospel. Ask Jesus to show you the truth. If you are serious, He will.

    The Apocrypha are not God’s word. Reading a perverted Catholic “Bible” will seed you with errors and deceptions. You can Get the Holy Bible on our site here, or ask your Christian friend for one.

    God has nothing to do with the Mass. Attending the Catholic Mass is sin, it is pure idolatry and demon worship. You cannot share the cup of demons when you become a Christian 1 Co. 10:19-22, 2 Co. 6:17. Soon you will understand more fully why God hates the Mass.

    When you are saved the LORD Jesus Christ will help you to attend a real Christian fellowship where you will be fed the truth and grow in Christ.

    Andrew, Almighty God is working in your life. He’s opening your eyes to the deception of the Catholic religious system, and offers you real life, peace, righteousness, and joy: They come with eternal life when you are born again.

    Once you have understood the True Gospel you must choose to receive Christ, or to reject Him.

    Your family cannot stop you from becoming a Christian; nobody can. You can receive Christ right where you are. Turn to the Living Christ today, and be saved.

    Answers for Catholics: Gently opens the eyes of Catholics by using the Bible to answer the questions they ask.

    What’s the difference between Christian and Lutheran?

    Q: My Girlfriend and I were talking, she was trying to explain the difference between being a Born Again Christian (her), and Lutheran (me). She described how you have to ask Christ to come into your heart, and to ask for forgiveness, but I just see that as repenting.

    She went on to say more, but everything she said was just a parallel to what I believe. I really do not see the difference in our two faiths. If someone can shed some light on the situation it would be appreciated. Kevin

    A: Listen to your girlfriend, she is right. She’s trying her best to wake you up before it’s too late. Lutherans and Catholics are not Christian.

    Well done Sister, stand firm, and don’t compromise with that sinner-man.

    Martin Luther was a mighty man, used by God to pull us out of the Dark Ages.

    Seven hundred years of demonic Roman Catholic doctrines kept people in spiritual darkness.

    I salute Luther, but I’m certain he would reject the “Lutherans” of today because they have jumped back into bed with Roman Catholics, teaching the same errors, and holding the wicked blasphemous Mass.

    What you need to discover is the difference between Lutheran religion, rules, rites, and rituals, and Biblical salvation; which is, receiving the life of God in us, through genuine faith in Christ’s finished sacrifice. No religion will ever give you that.

    Kevin, you can repent of a sin, but you will still be thrown into Hell because you must be born again. Jn. Ch.3. To do that, you must receive Christ into your heart. Repenting of sin, and receiving Christ, are not the same thing at all.

    When you are truly born again you will be a new creation and walk in righteousness with God, instead of pedalling the religious treadmill you are on.

    You have believed in a counterfeit of Christianity, get the real thing today. Read the Gospel of John like I did, and ask the Lord to show you The Truth. He will if you are sincerely seeking Him.

    © 08 Colin Melbourne
    Tract image © Chick Publns. Used by permission.

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