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Drug Addiction

    Image of cigarette smoking man cc0

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    How to help drug addicts

    Q: Other than praying for my husband, how do I encourage him to get help, when he doesn’t want to go for counselling or attend any meetings?

    A: When you have three basics lined up, everything else will fall into place.

    • Get the power Christ promised to believers. To pray the New Covenant way, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit, so understand what that means, and get filled.
    • Learn how to pray the Bible way; with faith, and in the Holy Spirit. Very few Christians understand how to pray to get results. The common habit of repetitive list-praying is a waste of time.
    • Learn how to use your spiritual authority.

    Your battle is not against your husband, pushing him is not the way to win.

    Study this drug-addled biker’s testimony and you will see that the key to his deliverance was his praying Mother. Instead of nagging him to Christ, she used her authority over the demons controlling her son.

    Read how God taught a demure English woman to chase demons out of the oppressed: Chasing the Dragon is Chinese junkie slang for smoking heroin or opium.

    Dealing with sexual frustration in marriage

    Q: I’m sexually frustrated with my wife, I feel like she rejects me for no good reason. I try to talk to her about it and then she gets mad. I love her very much, and only have desires for her, but it seems that she doesn’t care. What should I do according to the Bible? Eric

    A: It sounds like you both need to be Spirit-filled. Gal. 5:13-26, 1. Co. 3:1-3, Col. Ch. 3.

    When you are filled with God’s Spirit, and stay in step with Him, you will not become sexually frustrated. You will be self-controlled. 2 Tim. 1:7, 1 Pe. 1:13-16, 2 Pe. 1:3-11.

    When she is saved and Spirit-filled, she will care about her husband, and you will serve each other in selfless love. Eph. Ch. 5, Col. 3:12-19.

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

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