Gathering Together… Where?
Reading Matthew 18:20 KJV, many assume it refers to believers meeting in services for praise and worship.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
To most Christians, it means, when two or three believers get together to pray and worship God, He’s there in the midst of them.
Is that how you understand it?
Well, that is certainly true, how could it be otherwise?
For Almighty God is omnipresent, and in every born again believer’s heart by His Spirit. So, of course He’s there, in the midst of them.
Realizing this self-evident fact, it becomes obvious that Christ must have been speaking about something more than merely being present in Spirit in worship meetings.
In fact, the primary meaning of Mtt. 18:20 doesn’t refer to believers gathering for worship.
Christ was not talking about gathering together physically.